Understanding Paediatric Surgery

paediatric surgery

Prioritising the health and well-being of little ones is paramount and yet, when faced with the prospect of paediatric surgical procedures, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and anxious. At Specialist Network, we understand these concerns, which is why we’re committed to providing informative and compassionate care every step of the way. Here, we explore some common paediatric surgical procedures and shed light on what to expect.

Tongue Tie/Lip Tie

For many newborns, breastfeeding is more than just a meal – it’s a vital bond between mother and child. However, when a tongue tie or lip tie presents challenges, this connection can be disrupted. Fortunately, a simple procedure can often alleviate these issues in infants of up to a few weeks old. Working with a lactation consultant will offer further support and guidance.


Inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, and other variations are quite common in children. These little gaps in muscular walls may require delicate surgery to correct. Unlike adult hernias, they don’t typically signify muscle weakness but rather a natural variation present at birth. Timely assessment and surgical intervention if required, can be beneficial, ensuring the child’s comfort and well-being.

Undescended Testes

Undescended testes can be common in newborn boys and once diagnosed, it’s recommended to seek guidance from a paediatric surgeon. While it’s normal for testes to descend within the first few months of life, some may require a gentle nudge in the right direction. An assessment and, if needed, surgical intervention, will ensure development stays on track.

Foreskin Problems & Circumcisions

Navigating foreskin problems and circumcision can be complex. Understanding the normal development of the foreskin is key to alleviating concerns and it’s recommended to explore non-surgical options whenever possible. There is no medical reason to routinely circumcise boys however, should circumcision be deemed necessary following an assessment, the procedure can be performed under general anesthesia.

Skin Lesions and Swelling

From mysterious skin lesions to worrisome swellings, children can encounter a range of dermatological challenges. While most are benign, clinical assessment and, if needed, imaging studies will help determine the best course of action. Whether it’s treating vascular malformations or addressing hemangiomas, our collaboration with specialists ensure comprehensive care is delivered to each child’s unique needs.

At Specialist Network, we understand that navigating paediatric surgical procedures can be daunting. However, we not only offer expertise and precision but also empathy and support every step of the way. Dr Richard Thompson, an experienced and reputable Paediatric Surgeon from Gold Coast Paediatric Surgery is currently taking appointments. To book contact our friendly staff or call them on 1300 124 333.

paediatric surgery

The Specialist Network is a dedicated group of private surgeons providing an extensive range of specialist services to the local community. Our surgeons stay updated on the latest surgical advancements and routinely consult in the fields of colorectal and general surgery.

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